
School Dress Code

The school’s uniform colours are Ice Blue (jumpers, t-shirts etc) and Black (shirts, skirts, pants etc). We ask all children to take pride in their school and personal appearance by wearing the school uniform. We ask for parent cooperation in ensuring that children come to school clean, neat, and tidy. Please read the school’s Dress Code Policy for uniform expectations.

Download Dress Code Policy

All articles of clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name.

Children are required to wear hats when playing outside in the sun at morning recess, lunchtime and during P.E. and sport sessions. These hats, which are available from the uniform shop, have been approved by the Cancer Foundation and are part of the school uniform. The school has a no hat no play in the sun policy.

Uniform Shop and ordering online

Our uniform shop is run by parent volunteers and the P and C Association. Orders and payment can be made online via QKR APP and when the shop is open EFTPOS and cash accepted.

Online orders close Monday 9.00pm each week for delivery to classrooms on Wednesdays.

Uniform Shop Open days are limited, and parents are advised of dates and times via the P and C Facebook page and Connect.

Uniform Price List updated 1 November 2024

Further information about the QKR App.

Uniform Queries please email: southpadburyuniforms@gmail.com