Student Engagement and Behaviour Support

South Padbury Primary School has recently undertaken a review and update of the school’s Behaviour Management Plan involving staff, students, and the school Board. The new policy has been tailored to; reflect current understandings about student behaviour, feeling safe at school and how both these elements impact student achievement, and the recent surge in mental health and wellbeing concerns in young people. 

Our Student Engagement and Behaviour Support Policy has multiple focus areas, including how the school addresses and manages:

  • Student personal and social learning and capabilities, which articulates how the school supports students to develop the identified competencies and skills they need to build resilience, and manage their emotions, behaviour, and relationships with others. 
  • The rights and responsibilites of staff, parents and students in accordance with the charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.
  • Classroom climate and engagement which articulates what types of classrooms children thrive in, how to keep students engaged in learning and strategies the school uses to develop positive relationships.
  • The school’s process for dealing with bullying, managing aggression, drugs and alcohol, weapons and mental health.
  • The use of restorative practices to build empathy and resolve conflict.
  • The process for managing student behaviour in the classroom and in the playground.
  • Parent resources to support behaviour and mental health at home.
