Home/School Communication

As a parent or caregiver, you play a vital role in your child’s learning. At South Padbury Primary School, we believe that positive engagement and building a strong relationship between home and school is essential to your child’s learning.

Where to Direct Your Enquiry or Concern

We expect that your child’s class teacher is the most appropriate person to address most of your enquiries or concerns.

Class Teacher or Specialist Teacher/s  

EMOTIONAL WELLBEING                                                                                                                                          
Happiness at school or other factors that may affect learning.    

Friendship matters                                                                                                             

Incidents at school or home.                                                                                                                                                                                         

Assessment, reports, homework.     

Or any other aspect of school life that is impacting on your child’s education.

Associate Principal or Deputy Principal

If you are not able to reach a satisfactory outcome regarding your enquiry with the class teacher, or if previous issues reappear contact the A/P or D/P. 


If you are unable to achieve a satisfactory outcome with the class teacher, Associate Principal or Deputy Principal or your enquiry or concern is about the conduct of a teacher or another member of school staff, or your enquiry or concern is regarding a major safety, security, or legal matter, contact the Principal.

Department of Education Connect and Respect Guidelines

We all share a responsibility for providing a safe, supportive, and productive environment, free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence. Parents and carers, and other visitors to our school, support safety by ensuring communication and conduct at school and at school activities is respectful.

The Department of Education has implemented ‘Connect and Respect’, a suite of resources to assist school communities in setting shared and respectful expectations to enable us to continue to work together in the best interests of our children. This includes when and how to contact the school, what you can expect from us and the behaviours that interfere with teaching and learning. South Padbury PS has already articulated our own expectations through the school’s Community Charter.

Please click on the attached links for further information and guidelines or visit our website.

Connect and Respect – South Padbury Primary School


How We Communicate with You

School Website

The school website is our face to the public, providing promotional information to prospective families, as well as quick links for current parents. The website is where you can find general school information and contact details for the school. Using the email address link in the ‘Contact Us’ tab, along with phoning the office, are the best ways for parents to contact the school with general enquiries. (6206 2250, southpadbury.ps@education.wa.edu.au)

 Website: http://southpadburyprimaryschool.wa.edu.au/


Connect can be accessed as a webpage or as an app. Most parents prefer the app. It is the secure, primary way the school communicates with parents. Both whole school and class information is sent out through Connect Notices, including school reports, and all families are encouraged to have at least one parent signed up. Connect notices are only able to be seen by members of the school community who have been approved and signed up, or members of a class group. Any issues with Connect or passwords, please contact the front office.

App: ConnectNow

Website: https://connect.det.wa.edu.au/

Classroom Communication

The following communication avenues will be used by each year level in 2024:

  • Parent Information Session at the beginning of the school year
  • Kindergarten: Connect for all class communication
  • Pre-Primary: Connect for formal class communication and Seesaw for individual work, photos, assessments etc
  • Years 1-4: Connect for formal class communication and Seesaw for individual work, photos, assessments etc.
  • Years 5-6: Connect for all communication
  • Specialist Teachers: Connect for all communication
  • Teachers may also email or phone families when needed

School Newsletter

The school newsletter is published three times a term, providing families with information and pictures about current school events, special mentions, and student achievements. The newsletter comes home via Connect on a Thursday and is uploaded onto the school website. Newsletter dates will be advertised on the school planner.

South Padbury Primary School Facebook Page

The school Facebook page is another way that the school promotes itself and provides families with information. It is a public space that reflects the school’s vision and values, while recognising and celebrating school and student achievements. Posts on this page always come from the school and are positive in nature. Parents can positively comment on or like posts on this page and ask questions that both parents and the school are able to answer. Parents are expected to uphold a level of integrity and appropriateness when engaging with others on this page. The school will not necessarily monitor or respond to Facebook queries after school or over the weekend. Please note the Facebook page is a public page and viewers do not need an account to view the page.


Absentee ‘Message You’ Text Messaging

Our ‘Message You’ text message service is how the school communicates daily absences to parents. It can also be used to communicate last minute reminders or emergency information to families. Parents can reply to the text message with reasons for absences or with requested information. Our absentee text message number is 0438 259 071.

P and C Facebook Group

The P and C Facebook group is a platform for promoting and supporting P and C initiatives, fundraising and school events. It is an interactive space where families can find out what is happening with the P and C and clarify information. The P and C Executive members monitor and approve posts within this group, and can answer any questions relating to the P and C. The school does not monitor this page, hence any school operational or management queries should be directed to the school. The P and C Facebook group can only be seen by members of the school community who have been approved and signed up.

Facebook Group

Class Parent Reps

Parent Reps are volunteers that represent each class from Kindergarten to Year 6. Their purpose is to promote community and co-operation through communication, enhancing the quality of relationships between parents/carers, students, and teachers, and promoting parent involvement. The Parent Reps are supported in their role by the school Board. Parent Reps create Facebook groups each to facilitate communication within year levels. Information regarding the role of Parent Reps can be found in the Parent Rep Handbook.

2024 Parent Rep Handbook