Children and Anxiety

Anxiety Resource Websites For Parents

Struggling with Anxiety? | Dealing with Anxiety | Kids Helpline

Kids Health Information : Anxiety – primary school aged children (

Programs for Kids

The BRAVE Program is an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. The programs are free and provide ways for children and teenagers to better cope with their worries. There are also programs for parents.

Login | BRAVE Self-Help Program (

Smiling Minds: A series of calming activities and audio recordings for children based on mindfulness meditation.

Kids Care Pack Getting Started — Smiling Mind

Cool Kids Online is an online program that is designed to help children who have fears and worries that bother them or get in the way of having fun. The program teaches children new skills to help them face their fears and worries, feel more confident, and have more fun. 

Cool Kids

The Magic Coat is a tool that has been developed to help create confident, calm, and caring kids who know how to problem solve, feel safe and manage their emotionsappropriately so that they have good mental health and well-being. The school has multiple copies of this resource for parents to borrow.

The Magic Coat

Help your child manage anxiety and become more emotionally resilient. This free,  full toolkit of tips and ideas really works!

Online parenting course – help kids overcome anxiety | Triple P (

A Grown Up’s Guide to Worry Stacking (and how to help kids kick it!)

Worry Stacking with Dr Justin Coulson