South Padbury Primary School


“Welcoming you and your child to South Padbury Primary School.
A school with a country feel in a city location.”






The staff and school Board welcome you to South Padbury Primary School. South Padbury Primary was established in 1989 and is a school that boasts a ‘country feel in a city location’. As a community focused school in pursuit of knowledge and friendship, South Padbury offers students supportive learning programs, creative spaces and engaging opportunities to grow and thrive. An active and enthusiastic school Board and P and C Association ensure whole school initiatives and learning focus areas are well supported by the community.

With a moral purpose centred around collaboration, inclusion and ‘Being The Change’ for our students, community and each other, staff at South Padbury Primary School are committed to ongoing improvement in both academic and non-academic student endeavours. Our school has a strong emphasis on social development, etiquette, engagement and high expectation, both inside and outside the classroom and fosters theses value through the many additional experiences offered to our students. Our actions and words are driven by the school’s ‘Be’ statements; be respectful, be kind, be involved and be proud.

We are committed to making a difference for every student in every classroom every day, by addressing the school’s achievement challenges through focused targets and supportive improvement planning, that will form the foundations for every student beginning their own pathway to a successful future.


Cass Disisto – Principal


Be Kind • Be Proud • Be Respectful • Be Involved